
Top 100 Family Campgrounds

Our friends at ReserveAmerica have just released their list of the Top 100 Family Campgrounds. Looking at the list and comparing to those we’ve crossed off our personal “To Do” list, it’s apparent just how many great campgrounds we have…

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For RV Enthusiasts: 2016 Camping World Golden Giveaway

Just a couple of years ago, RVing was something that older folks did. Or maybe your camping addicted neighbors. But now, with the price of airline tickets and carry-on luggage rising, families are going back to the RV way of life. Especially for summer vacations. Last year on our road trip through Yellowstone there were dozens of RVs everywhere we stopped. Many rented. Families are going back to national parks and spending time together. But if you’ve never done much RVing, is there a place to learn more?

Nature Rocks — Get outside already!

I was just telling my daughter that mothers used to say, “Get outside and don’t come back until I call you for dinner.” Kids were supposed to entertain themselves (who has heard of this??) and not get in life-threatening danger, all on their own.

America’s Top 100 Campgrounds

My favorite camping tool,, announced their picks for America’s top 100 campgrounds yesterday. I love ReserveAmerica. The site allows you to search for campgrounds along your journey, and has easy to use maps of the actual campgrounds, clear information on what’s at each campground, and you can search all federal, state, county and some private parks as well. There are over 300,000 campsites, cabins, day use facilities and picnic areas in their database.