Top 10: 4th of July Road Trips
It’s called The Great American Road Trip for a reason. There’s no better way to celebrate Independence Day than to hit the road and experience history. The fireworks are an added bonus.
Read MoreIt’s called The Great American Road Trip for a reason. There’s no better way to celebrate Independence Day than to hit the road and experience history. The fireworks are an added bonus.
Read MoreThe National Motorists Association seems suspect as an altruistic organization to me, but they have a database of known speed traps, searchable by state and city. Worth a look after you’ve finalized your route for the next road trip.
I was just telling my daughter that mothers used to say, “Get outside and don’t come back until I call you for dinner.” Kids were supposed to entertain themselves (who has heard of this??) and not get in life-threatening danger, all on their own.
Even though gas prices have gone down, the economy sure hasn’t made us feel any better about spending money. But, Farmers’ Almanac, the original sustainable living guide (who knew?, suggests some easy-to-follow tips that can cut your gas usage and save you a few dollars whether you’re headed on a family vacation or taking a routine car trip.