4 Adventure Activities to Try on Your Next Vacation

Are you looking to add a bit more excitement to your next getaway? Do you find that lying on a beach with a paperback can get a little tiresome after a while?

If you’re yearning for some adventure in your life, a vacation is the best opportunity to get it. You are away from home, in an unfamiliar location, and you have the entire globe to choose from. You could travel to the mountains of South America, the deserts of Africa, or the icy fjords of Scandinavia. The world is your oyster, and there are thrills to be had wherever you look.

But the same old trips can get a little monotonous once you’ve done them a thousand times. You might go for the odd day hike in the hills or try out scuba diving in the sea, but sometimes you want to get off the beaten track and try something completely new.

To give you some inspiration for ways to inject a bit more adrenaline into your life, here are four adventure activities to try on your next vacation.

River cruises

River cruises blend scenic relaxation with active adventures, exemplified by kayaking on Egypt’s Nile during a long Nile cruise, allowing travelers to maneuver close to ancient temples and vibrant river life. Similarly, paddle boating on the Danube offers a leisurely way to view European landscapes, while canoeing in the Amazon caters to those seeking an exhilarating challenge amidst lush biodiversity. Each cruise provides unique opportunities to engage physically with some of the world’s most iconic rivers, transforming travel into an immersive experience. 

Stand up paddle boarding

A beach holiday doesn’t have to be relaxing. There are plenty of opportunities for excitement on the deep blue sea, and stand up paddle boarding is a great option. A stand up paddle board, or SUP, is like a wide surfboard that you stand on and propel yourself through the water with a large paddle. Although it might take some practice to get your balance right, you can also kneel or sit on them if that’s easier. You can explore the open ocean or journey along inland lakes and rivers, getting a beautiful tan while enjoying a new form of travel.


For something a little more energetic, canyoneering is a brilliant experience for those with a head for heights. It’s exactly what it sounds like – exploring canyons while led by an expert guide. You will get the opportunity to climb rock faces, abseil down cliffs, and jump down waterfalls. It’s an incredibly active sport and you will be exhausted by the end of it, but it really is a once in a lifetime experience. There are plenty of places all over the US to try this activity, so why not book onto one of these canyoneering tours in Moab Utah?


What better place to experience a new destination than from hundreds of meters up in the air? If you can stomach extreme heights and exposure, then paragliding might be the activity for you. You’ll be harnessed into a lightweight glider-style aircraft and launching yourself into the air, usually from the edge of cliff or mountainside. If the air currents are just right you could be gliding for hours at a time, marveling at the incredible landscapes beneath your feet. 

Mountain biking

If speed is your thing, then mountain biking may be the answer. No matter what part of the world you travel to, there are always opportunities to explore the countryside on a mountain bike, and it is suitable for all ages and abilities. For those looking for a more leisurely ride, there are guided off road tours through forests and easy mountain tracks, while riders with a bit more experience can enjoy the steep, twisty descents of downhill tracks.